I took the plunge after years of lurking, and went on my first plein air adventure with Central Ohio Plein Air group. They meet at different locations each Saturday from early spring to late autumn. I had been on their email list for a long time but it was never the right time to actually go. This year, I went and was instantly hooked.
I gathered my supplies and drove to the square in Worthington, Ohio. After finding a shady spot, I set up my easel and supplies and got to work. This was the first time I painted in public, so I had some butterflies, but they were quickly calmed as people strolled by and had kind things to say. I was rejuvenated by the experience and made a point to go every single Saturday that I could after that.
My years of studio painting helped me be comfortable painting live, and also allowed me to quickly get started. When painting on site, one of the biggest challenges is how quickly a scene changes. The sunlight and shadows can change significantly in just 15 minutes! As a result, I take a lot of photos and reference them as I paint. The experience is rejuvenating and keeps my on my toes.
There is something magical about being in a secluded spot, listening to the birds overhead, while I capture a sliver of time on paper. Sometimes I nail it first try. Other times the weather dictates what is possible in the time allowed. If it’s a particularly humid day, my watercolors do not fully dry on the paper and I have to slow down or risk muddying the paints. It’s an ongoing dance of adapting to the situation while chasing light and shadows.
Each plein air painting captures a brief sliver in time. I hope the magic in each painting shines through.

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