I have always been an artistic person. When I was young, I thought I’d be an art teacher. The challenge of watercolors – getting the water levels just right, layering, glazing, washing – is what I love about this beautiful medium. It’s all about balance and patience. I’ve accepted that I cannot dictate the results. My mood, lighting, time constraints will absolutely affect the final piece.
Watercolor painting forces me to slow down, find creative solutions, and to not be set in my ways. I approach my writing in the same manner I approach my paintings. I know what I want to create, but I allow free will and happenstance to make appearances and if necessary to take the wheel. The results surprise me but in a good way. This brings me back to my canvas every time.
While I paint, my mind can work out solutions to challenging scenes in my book, or perhaps just settle into the simplicity of shadow and light. We all need a stress reliever in our lives, right? I’d love to hear what you do to recharge your batteries.
I strive to breathe life and evoke movement in my paintings. I’ve painted each one to remember a special trip, a beautiful memory I cherish. I hope you can feel the magic in each piece.
And, because many people have reached out to inquire about purchasing my paintings, I will update this page in the near future, with information and link(s) to purchase my paintings.

Line of Golden Sycamores