What kind of world is being created for my kids and their kids and grandkids to grow up in when a white policeman that is supposed to “serve and protect” kneels on a man’s neck as he pleads and cries out that he can’t breathe and people are filming this and neither cop stops or tries to assist the man? They continue to disregard his pleas, even after the crowd of people are pleading with them to check his pulse and get off his neck! They murdered this man, on camera, in the light of day, on a busy street in Minneapolis, with not a care in the world as to the victim’s condition. These men were pure evil. They didn’t care. As they pulled the lifeless man’s body onto a guerney, they were not respectful.
This is the world my kids are going to grow up in. I pray that they are compassionate and call out the wrongdoing of people. I pray that they are kind and help out their fellow man. I pray that they teach their children these same things. I pray that the world becomes a much more compassionate, caring world. That people truly do not see race. That they view the person in front of them as a fellow human being, not the enemy.
What kind of world will this be if black people cannot even walk to get lunch without being detained, harassed and accused of crimes they did not commit? I thought we were supposed to be past the day and age where the color of one’s skin determines how they are treated or mistreated. But no. We are in the thick of it. It feels like we have gone backwards in time.
I feel for black people. They cannot even drive their cars, or walk down a street without being harassed, arrested, tortured and killed. FOR NO REASON! Just because someone may have committed a crime does not give anyone the right to determine their punishment, or that they have the right to hunt them down like an animal.
The people that are committing these crimes are sick and twisted individuals. But unfortunately, you can find these bastards everywhere. It does not matter the neighborhood or the education level. It is truly scary that in 2020, a black person has a greater chance of being killed than any other race. And these murders are happening all over the US. These innocent souls are having their lives cut short because someone decided that they needed to die. They looked like so and so that broke into a house in my neighborhood. They fit the description of someone that broke into a car a couple streets over. I’ve never seen them in my neighborhood.
Here’s the thing. None of these statements, or justifications, actually justify what is happening. This is not a police state where anyone has the right to pull a gun on someone and then shoot to kill them because they “don’t live around here.” That is 100% not legal. So, even if someone did break into a person’s home, that STILL does not justify killing them in cold blood.
At some point, the mentality of people has gone sideways. It is alarming and terrifying how many people have killed someone, innocently, for completely unjust causes. I don’t care if you are black, white, yellow or green, you still have a right to live. And, if you are guilty, then your fate will be decided in a court of law. But theft does not justify murdering someone – EVER!
I am shaken to my core after watching this video. I want to help in any way I can. I am raising my kids to not be bigoted, prejudice monsters. But what hurts my heart is that this keeps happening. We have a LONG way to go to make this right, as a nation, as a society, as a people, as a fellow member of the human race.
What can we do as individuals in this volatile time to make this stop? I don’t want to see another video of a senseless hate crime toward another human being. It is 2020! How the hell is this happening every single day?
I truly do not know what the answer is, but I am willing to listen and be part of the solution. Let’s all be part of the solution. Let’s begin by seeing that person on the street as just that – a person. Not the enemy. Not a black person. Not a stereotype. A fellow human being. A person with hopes and dreams and goals and fears. They are someone’s son, daughter, father, mother, husband, wife. Stretch out your hand in kindness, not in anger or fear.
Are you with me? Let’s talk. I am all ears.